Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Small Introduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learning to play the piano or keyboard is fun. At each lesson, we will have some songs for you to learn at home. If you want to get really good, you need to play these songs every day. At first, you might not play the pieces well. But as you play the songs some more, you’ll find that you get better and better as you play them. 

After a while you will play your pieces very well. Soon, you may play before some public gatherings. In the future, you may play in a band. People may hear your music on the radio, or see your video on televison! You might become a concert pianist who plays very hard music in front of many people. Think about how excited
you’ll be when everyone stands up and cheers for you when you finish playing! You could play the organ or piano at a church or temple. Perhaps you will become a teacher! Even if you never do any of those things, you can still have fun playing your favorite songs anytime you want. 'Cause piano playing is one of the soothing process both for your body and soul.

You can play for yourself or maybe for a few friends, too. Many musicians know how to read a secret code. This code tells them all about the musical sounds they should play. This code is really easy and fun to learn, but only if you take some time every day to practice using it, so let’s get set gooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!

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